> > 'CONTRIBUTE' discusses how to generate a patch with git that will be > easy to apply for an emacs committer without having to change > it. 'admin/notes/git-workflow' goes over the details of what to do if > youʼre committing yourself. > Thanks! I found the guide about Emacs+Git for developers and tried to follow that, especially this part: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GitForEmacsDevs#toc16 (I also had to play around with merging and rebasing to get a clean git log without merge commit messages - as a side note, Git is really starting to grow on me, seems you can handle all kinds of scenarios in a good way, once you know how to do it) Long story short, I think I have now pushed my changes to the remote master at gnu.org - Yay! :) If someone could verify that it looks correct, it would be nice. Thanks! /Mathias