Attached is a small patch adding command 'project-query-replace-at-point' to project.el. The command is designed to improve the ergonomics of making a project wide text replacement of a symbol at point. Currently, if you want to make a project wide replacement of a symbol using project.el, the best options I've found are: - Mark the symbol you wish to replace - Save symbol to kill ring with 'kill-ring-save' - Enter command 'project-query-replace-regexp' - Paste in the symbol, taking care to quote regex if necessary, and hit return - Enter the replacement string and hit return or - Mark the symbol you wish to replace - Save symbol to kill ring with 'kill-ring-save' - Place cursor on symbol and enter command 'project-find-regexp' - Hit return at the next prompt to accept the default prompt - Enter command 'xref-query-replace-in-results' - Enter the replacement string and hit return 'project-query-replace-at-point' regex-quotes the symbol at point and then calls into the fileloop-initialize-replace function used by the existing project-query-replace-regexp command. Replacing a symbol with 'project-query-replace-at-point' occurs as follows: - Place cursor on symbol and enter command 'project-query-replace-at-point' - Enter the replacement string and hit return Let me know what you guys think. I haven't contributed before so please let me know if I'm doing anything incorrectly.