Eli Zaretskii schrieb am Fr., 29. Sep. 2017 um 18:46 Uhr: > > From: Philipp Stephani > > Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 20:25:11 +0000 > > > > Thanks! I've also finally managed to get my draft online: > > https://phst.github.io/emacs-modules > > It's more specification-like and hopefully covers most of the behavior > of the module API. > > > > It would be great if we could have comprehensive documentation in the > ELisp manual in Emacs 26. So it > > would be great if others (especially the maintainers) could review these > two documents. Please focus on the > > content during the first pass, not on stylistic or editorial issues. > > I already read this, when this was first announced in April. > Unfortunately, the style and the methodology of the description > differs significantly from what we use in the ELisp manual. So this > text will have to be reworked, and I didn't yet find time to do it. > As said, I'd like to get feedback about the *content*. Changing the *style* is easier and requires less discussion. > > The > first step is to convert the tutorial-like description to the > reference-style description we use in the manual. > I'm a bit surprised that you call my style "tutorial-like". I think it's not a tutorial at all; there's e.g. no end-to-end example to step-by-step instructions. What exactly would you want to have changed to turn it into "reference style"?