From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Path:!not-for-mail From: Philipp Stephani
Thanks for taking this on. Some comments:
Why the hash table? Existing Lisp code dealing with Unicode names uses an a= list,
and it seems to do OK.
If a hash table is needed, a hash table should also be
used by the existing code elsewhere that does something similar. See the
function ucs-names and its callers.
If a hash table is needed, I suggest using a perfect hashing function (gene= rated
by gperf) and checking its results with get-char-code-property. That avoids= the
runtime overhead of initialization.
It needs documentation, both in the Emacs Lisp manual and in NEWS.
=C2=A0> +void init_character_names ()
=C2=A0> +{
The usual style is:
init_character_names (void)
No need for "const" for local variables (cost exceeds benefit).