> r> Many ways of filtering -- over and above the present "filter by > r> keywords" would be nice. > > r> 1. Hide all installed/builtin packages > r> 2. Hide packages from one or more repositories > > (Sorry for the late comment, I've been away. I don't think this has > happened, though?) It hasn't. > It would be easiest, I think, to make the source repo, the package > status, and other metadata (signed, etc.) into keywords and then enhance > the keyword browsing. The "filter" functionality Stefan suggested makes > sense across keywords *and* package names and descriptions, and can > easily be plugged into the current "Filter" function in the menu. Sounds very reasonable. We could also implement excluding keywords. So it would be easy to hide nil built-ins, for instance. > r> 3. Hide helper packages eg packages that would only be installed as a > r> dependency of something else that is user-facing > > I don't think it's good to ever hide those, This part is already done. Dependencies are not hidden, but are given a comment face and sorted after the installed packages. If the above is implemented, it should also be easy to hide them.