I think that "Emacs Framework" (proposed by tec@tecosaur.com) is the best term i've come across so far. It encapsulates the fact that although none of these are distributing emacs in any sense, they are usually more than configurations or starter packs. I can't speak for all of them, but Doom Emacs and Spacemacs both provide abstractions when it comes to configuring emacs, most notably their module and layer systems, which other than providing a friendly starting point for using and configuring emacs also provide a sort of meta structure to allow the user to more easily customise what e.g. "Emacs when editing Haskell" is (At least in the case of Doom, I'm unfamiliar with how user defined layers work in spacemacs but I imagine they exist in a similar way to user defined modules in Doom Emacs). Itai