On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Stefan Monnier wrote: > > `select-window' is a function with immediate effect so we can give it a > > self-contained doc-string and description. > [...] > > So I think that people who need information about how to raise a frame > > or giving it input focus should look into the Elisp manual. > > I don't think select-window should explain what > select-frame-set-input-focus does, indeed. But I think it'd be OK for > it to make it clear that it doesn't directly affect focus, with a link > to another function that does. > ​Agreed. It is natural for people to start programming things in Emacs with a single frame and multiple windows. As they expand their knowledge to multiple frames and selecting a window in another frame, they'll want to know the extent of what select-window handles and what it doesn't. Their could be simple explanations and references on input focus like: Although this selects the window's frame, it does not alter the frame's position in the window stack (see `raise-frame') nor does it direct input focus to that frame. To do both of those at once, see `select-frame-set-input-focus'. Bob ​