On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> From: Robert Weiner <rsw@gnu.org>

> ​Ok, that is an example of why I am advocating for a potentially
> new function that let's a programmer say "display the latest
> contents of this window with no other Emacs window or frame
> obscuring it".

That cannot be done in general, because redisplaying a window could
very well affect other windows.  One example of that is TTY frame

​Only one frame is visible on a tty at a time, so in
my use case, this would have to be the frame that
displays the window.  Why is this a problem?

another is a case where the window was shrunk.

​Why can a shrunk window not be displayed within the
topmost frame?  You are giving examples without explaining
why they conflict with the desired goal?
  And there are

other, more subtle use cases.

​So you are saying Emacs provides no way for the programmer
to ensure that a window is wholly displayed on screen and
fully updated even when Emacs is the only application in use?

In general, Lisp programs shouldn't dictate the display engine what to
do or not to do, because they can easily make mistakes, being unaware
of all the subtleties.  Instead, it should be the job of the display
engine to determine what and when to redraw, and Lisp can at most
provide hints.

​Right, this is what we do most of the time.

> I don't think Elisp programmers should have to

> master the intricacies of windows, frames, the
redisplay engine,
> and window managers to do that.


They don't.  But note that your code
attempted to do just that, at
least indirectly.

​I am trying to do just what I stated above plus ensure
the displayed frame receives input focus.​
>  ​​On top of th
at, when and how a new frame appears on display is not
>  ​​only up to E
macs: the WM has a lot to do with that.

​Yes, but Emacs sends commands to the WM.  Now if the WM ignores
those commands not much can be done

The problem is, many popular WMs do ignore our hints.  So reliable
behavior cannot be built on top of this flaky basis.

Under what window managers is Emacs unable to raise
a frame or set input focus reliably?  That sounds like
a platform where multi-frame use would be generally

> Take raise-frame for example.  Should we not expect
> this to make the given frame the topmost?  The doc string says we
> should.

Martin will tell, but I personally am not sure we can rely on that,
the doc string notwithstanding.

​If you cannot put a frame in front of all others then
you can't see the contents of its windows when frames
overlap and again multi-frame​ use would not be viable
except for non-overlapping frames.


>  ​​The doc strings try very hard to tell the story completely and
>  ​​accurately, but it isn't easy, because the underlying behavior is
>  ​​extremely complex, and needs to cater to some very different use
>  ​​cases.
> ​I'm mainly asking that obvious gotchas like those demonstrated
> by my sample code be mentioned in doc strings, not a deep dive
> into all special case technicalities.

But the doc strings need to provide information for much more complex
code as well, not just for simple codes.

​I'm not against documenting more involved scenarios,
just saying I think some of this documentation could
be added with a few sentences without diving deeply
into many special cases.  If this covered 90% of the
cases, it would still be very helpful despite not being
wholly complete.  You yourself said earlier that that
is an unreasonable expectation of the doc.

>  ​​Calling 'redisplay' with last argument non-nil is the o
nly way to
>  ​​actually ensure redisplay, so if you must, use only th

​It sounds like that is the only way since I need to see the current contents
of the new frame's only window.

nd what's wrong with that?  You don't need more than one way, as long
s it works.

​It is fine.  I had just dealt with many multi-frame scenarios
before and never had to call redisplay directly so it seemed
odd that I had to now.  So I looked for other techniques to
give redisplay hints as you said and was surprised when these
hints were insufficient.​
