Hello valuated Emacs developpers,

Just to answer Richard's suggestion "let's ask them" and the wish to
poll users : I am new to this mailing list and one suggestion I was
going to make was concerning word search, when I discovered that this
was already being discussed.

I am using Emacs mainly for editing LaTeX documents where auto-fill-mode
+ indentation is active, and therefore word search is a must and
incremental word search is a very very nice to have.

I fully agree with Juri's point that the current keys to enter word
search is inconvenient, and I find the double meaning of C-w between
usual editing and word search difficult (I would prefer to have a less
easy to remember key to enter word search provided that that it does not
overload the meaning of usual edition keys like C-w).

FYI, unfortunately I was never able to have word search work properly.
For instance, when I try word search in the *info* node "Word search"
and I type "C-sC-w" then I type "the words" (all of these things
without double quotes) and then I type "", I would expect to find
the first occurrence at the end of first line of info node text which is :

---- excerpt from info node Word Search --------------
Word search searches for a sequence of words without regard to how the
words are separated. More precisely, you type a string of many words,
---- end of excerpt -------------------------------------

Instead of that, I get the following error message :
"[(wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p t)]" which is displayed in
the Minibuffer and has no trace in the *Message* buffer. Is that normal
? My emacs version is "GNU Emacs 22.0.990.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.0.2195) of

Sorry to dwell on it, if this is an already known or solved problem, I
am jumping into this thread without having read all of it since the


Richard Stallman a écrit :
> But I doubt that many people use it because for many years of existence
> of word search, very few people tried to find a way to enable incremental
> word search (according to mailing list archives) until recently.
> Maybe you're right. But let's ask them.

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