Can anyone think of a way in Emacs, today, to visually indicate the start and end of an overlay or a stretch of a face text property, as suggested by the little red corners in the first attached image? Notice the part highlighted in yellow, which shows two adjacent blue highlights. (This is from, which Herbert/Guanpeng cited in his email today: "A prototype of intelligent replace for Emacs".) IOW, how might one, today, indicate two adjacent overlays (or text-property zones), so that a user can see the boundaries of each? Is this possible? If not, how might Emacs be made to support this (after the release)? Such "corners" would be useful. If it were not feasible to implement such a feature, could we perhaps implement something similar using box faces with borders? That is, could we have a way to make a bordered-box face show the vertical border at each overlay beginning and end? See the second attached image for what I mean. Today, if I use a box face with a border, and I create an overlay from L to M and another overlay from M+1 to N, then the appearance is the same as a single overlay from L to N. It would be useful to be able to specify that the two overlays each show their vertical borders at beginning and end. This wouldn't be as clear as having corners, as in the first screenshot, but it would still be useful. WDOT?