
I am working on a patch for configure.bat to support using parameters that include the = character.  As part of this patch I need to make changes to the nt/INSTALL file.  The section that needs to be changed is as follows.

Because of limitations of the stock Windows command shell, certain
characters (quotes, backslashes and equal signs) can be problematic
and should not be used in arguments to configure.  That means that
forward slashes must be used in paths passed to the compiler and
linker via the --cflags and --ldflags options, and that it is
currently not possible to pass a macro like -DFOO=BAR (though -DFOO
is perfectly valid).

The change I am making to configure.bat modifies the parsing of the
--cflags and --ldflags options to add support for parameters like -DFOO=BAR as long as the parameter is enclosed in quotes.  I need some input on how I should rewrite this section of the document.  The part that confuses me is the statement that quotes should not be used in arguments to configure.  My technique for supporting parameters that include the = character requires that the parameter be enclosed in quotes.  However, this section of nt/INSTALL says quotes are not supported.  Perhaps if I had more information on the history of this paragraph, and specifically what the problems with quotes are I would know how to rewrite this paragraph.

I appreciate any input you might have to offer.