
I am still working on this task.  I need some more advice though.

As I mentioned before, I am attempting to add ns-keychain functions that match the secrets.el API as closely as possible.  I am adding a ns-keychain function for each secrets- function that has the same parameters as the secrets- function.  So far in my work, I have been mapping the collection parameter to the serviceName parameter of the various Keychain Services API functions.  By default, I am using the default Keychain to store the data but adding a user configurable option to allow another keychain file to be used.

But, after taking another look at auth-source.el, I am wondering if this was the correct design decision.  I am wondering if I should instead be interpreting the collection parameter as an indication of which keychain file to store the passwords in.  I could interpret the value "default" for the collection parameter as an indication that the default keychain should be used.  I could interpret the value "Login" or "secrets:Login" as an indication that the Login keychain should be used.  Other values for collection parameter could be interpreted as an indication that the data should be stored in a file {collection}.keychain in ~/Library/Keychains.

Which interpretation of the collection parameter is the correct one?  I ask because I want to be sure to get this right.