Thanks, Paul. I wrote to Ed Reingold a few days ago asking him about this issue, but I haven't heard back from him.
A general question: do you have any sense for whether these sorts of calculations could be handled by Emacs Lisp, or whether they require Common Lisp?
I would be interested in coding this up from scratch in the event that the Deshow/Reingold functions can't be incorporated directly, though given my very rudimentary understanding of Lisp (both Emacs and Common), I imagine this would take some time (#damnitjimimalinguistnotalispcoder).
On 06/13/11 09:40, Benjamin Slade wrote:I expect the answer is that it hasn't been. And we can't simply incorporate
> I found a very nice set of functions for doing so implemented in Common Lisp
> in *Deshow, Nachum and Reingold, Edward M. 2008. _Calendrical Calculations_.
> New York: Cambridge University Press, 3rd edn*. I was wondering if this
> perhaps has already been implemented (given that Reingold developed the
> original calendar calculations for Emacs).
the copyrighted code from the book into Emacs without having copyright permission
from the authors. However, if you could code the ideas up from scratch, without
copying the book's code, that would be a nice addition to Emacs. Another possibility
is that you could contact Ed Reingold and ask him whether he'd be willing to
donate the code; perhaps if enough people ask, he'll change his mind.