Hi All, just wanted to check to see if changed functionality I've noticed is a deliberate feature change or a bug. Running Emacs GTK+ 24 (recent bzr) under X (xfce wm). I have my EDITOR environment variable set to emacsclient. Previously, when I did something like cron -e or git commit -a, emacs would popup a new frame on the virtual diesktop where I issued the command, I would make the changes, do the normal C-x 4 and the frame would close, returning me to the terminal and the command that triggered the edit would complete its work. All good and I liked the behavior. However, I now find that doing the exact same workflow causes an existing emacs fram from another virtual desktop to be moved to the virtual desktop containing the terminal where I ran cron/git/whatever that triggered the workflow i.e. not a new frame. When I complete the edit and hit C-x 4, the emacs buffer closes and switches back to its previous contents, but the frame stays on this virtual desktop. I now have to move the frame back to its original virtual desktop or to the side so that I can get back to the terminal. All behavior which is not as good as it was previously. My real problem is that I've just switched from Gnome/compiz and don't know if the changes are observing are due to changes iin emacsclient (I've noticed some posts concerning emacsclient recently) or is it because of differences between GNOME and XFCE? Perhaps I need to add additional switches/config settings under xfce? Quite happy to do more testing to try and work things out, but figured I may as well check to see if anyone else has noticed the same or can offer some advice (especially as there has recently been a few issues with bzr emacs and X, which now appear to be resolved i.e. clipboard communication timeouts, slow exiting, random crashes etc). Tim