Also, I should have made the advices on process-* optionally installed.
I wrote those for gjs’s request on supporting xscheme.el, but I never got
enough time to make it works, and leaving them like that may break
other package in some rare cases.

I will hopefully clean up all of those by the end of next week and be 100% at beta.

On May 21, 2021, at 3:55 AM, Qiantan Hong <qhong@MIT.EDU> wrote:

Hi Karl,

Sorry for being non responsive for a while! Luckily semester is ending and I’m back to life :)

I haven’t put much time in improving crdt.el during semester (I probably will during summer),
but my friends and I are using it for other projects, none of us ever had any problems. So I think it should be at beta test.

Except this one issue I’m worried about
My friends and I didn’t encounter this ever once in our scenarios and I haven’t reproduced it so far.
I suggest trying it in your settings and see if such thing happen, before using in production.
Also I will put best effort to locate and fix the cause of it during summer.

Hope this help. Happy hacking!


On May 14, 2021, at 1:45 AM, Karl Fogel <> wrote:

Qiantan, I was just wondering what the status of crdt.el is.  I can see from the issue tracker that some people are trying it out. Speaking approximately, do you think it's at alpha testing stage? Beta testing?

(I ask because my business partner, James Vasile, and I have mutually decided that we're in the "will beta test in production" camp when you think it's reached that point.)

Best regards,