With those encouraging words, I guess there’s no reason to be mucking about then.

Attached is the patch with all schemas, and mappings for Emacs to apply them. I’ve tried to keep the mapping “sober” enough to not trigger for documents it shouldn’t, while trying to make sure they get applied when it makes sense.

Now before installing, I think it would be nice if:

- If someone could at least look over the mapping and see if there are obvious cases where the schemas will be applied and they shouldn’t. 
- Most schemas in this batch are related to .NET development. If anyone using Emacs for .NET development could verify that they work and don’t cause noise/warnings for valid files.

Basically as a minimum make sure it works for more people than just me.

Kind Regards
Jostein Kjønigsen

On 19 Feb 2024, at 23:20, Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> wrote:

Jostein Kjønigsen <jostein@secure.kjonigsen.net> writes:

As such, I would like to contribute these patches to core Emacs to
help improve the current situation, but I want to make sure I'm doing
it correctly.

Your plan sounds good to me, but I know very little about this stuff.
I'm hoping that someone else will chime in, but AFAIK we don't have
anyone onboard that is working on this.  Perhaps what you see is the
result of that lack of manpower.

What are the criteria for accepting new schemas in Emacs core? Are
there any?

I'm not aware of any criteria that would be applied to schemas
specifically, so I guess it's the usual: is it useful, can we legally
distribute it, etc.