> There are several. For M-x, the easiest one to try out is 'M-x icomplete-mode'.
> Turn it on and see how you like the new 'M-x' experience.

I tried it. It has the immediate feedback, but it still requires
pressing TABs, lacks flex matching and has no recency bias.

So it has only one of the things which modern completion systems provide.

Also, the horizontal format makes it only suitable for selecting from
short items. When you have long items in your candidate list
(e.g. different long paths from all over the file sytem) then it
doesn't work. That's why modern systems use a vertical display,
or support it also, besides the horizontal format.

> And when Emacs 27 comes out, or if you can install a recent snapshot,
> try out 'M-x fido-mode'. It's a somewhat tweaked version of the former.

I'll check it out. I see from the docs it has flex matching, which is better.