The puropose of "quickstart" file is to perform some calculations offline to speed up startup time, and what I see in generated code that every package is added to load-path with `add-to-list' function, which will ensure that each object is added only once. Since quickstart file is created by iterating through each and one installed package whose path is already known, this calculation can be performed once at generation time, rather than every time when Emacs starts. It is relatively simple to alter the generator routine for this, I have included patch. I have been doing something similar in my personal init file since quite some time now and have not had problems, but I am not that sofisticated user. I guess this won't speed thing much, maybe people who use large number of packages could see some difference. Regardless it is still an unnecessary computation and thus waste of cpu (and battery) to do this every startup if it can be done only once when package-quickstart.el is generated.