Reasons to change: there is not a very strong reason to fight for a mere terminology as if this terminology would do something for us. It doesn't do anything positive. As a text editor with a long history it has to change, it will probably survive existent hardware and operating systems, but it can`t forget what hardware and the standards that happens to occur at a preset time. I think this is important for Emacs as a eternal uberhardware being. 2010/7/10 Tom > Alfred M. Szmidt> writes: > > > > > I doubt that words like yank, kill, point, etc hinder new users from > > using emacs. The argument seems extremly weak. > > > > > > As Lennart said before the little things add up. The more unfamiliar > things the new user encounters the more time and effort he needs to > invest to try emacs and it can be a turn off. > > There is no reason to use the word yank for an operation which practically > every other system calls paste. It's one of those totally unnecessary > roadblocks for newbies in emacs. > > > > >