>> >The best way to do this and make sure it is stealthy is by running a >> >subprocess. The subprocess can run in parallel with Emacs. >> Hmm, i'm not sure if this is the best way?! >If the primitives you need to do the job in Emacs LIsp can be slow, I >see no other way to do the job except to avoid using those primitives. I see another way: IMHO reinventing the wheel for all these (potentially slow) elisp- primitives is not worth the effort because IMHO for an ECB-user it is much more important not being blocked. This can be achieved much easier by implementing the stealthy task so they each key- or mouse-press immediatelly interrupts a long-lasting action. So i do not really elisp-threads if there is at least a elisp-tool which guarantees this interrupt. AFAIK while-no-input is this tool . The only disadvantage i can see is that it will be first available in Emacs 22. Therefore my other question in another answer for with-local-quit mentioned by Stefan (he said, this could be easily backported). AFAICS with-local-quit would at least guarantee that C-g interrupts a long-lasting iteration of a stealth task, right? >Some day maybe that Emacs will have multi-threading, but that >won't be soon. I will not stop breathing until this feature will arise ;-) Thansk for your help Klaus