On 10/3/23 01:05, Emanuel Berg wrote: > David Hedlund wrote: > >>>> While we're speaking about this, this is a relevant >>>> question regarding the issue for GNU/Linux: So even "(push >>>> '(fullscreen . maximized) default-frame-alist)" to >>>> ~/.emacs.d/early-init.el is the only solution to >>>> automatically maximize emacs without the visually >>>> distracting effect in GNU/Linux, should it not be added to >>>> the FAQ to a new section, say >>>> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/efaq/Fullscreen-mode-on-GNU-Linux.htm? >>>> Just "(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook >>>> 'toggle-frame-maximized)" to the top ~/.emacs file if it >>>> has a common size (say 100 lines), will cause it to >>>> maximize the windows but not without the visually >>>> distracting effect. >>> Is this indeed a "frequently-asked" question, about GNU/Linux? >> Yes. > David, if you think it's a good idea, start by adding > everything you have discovered and including all details to > the EmacsWiki, for a suitable page for the purpose - it can be > a lot of fun for you fiddling with all that to present all > the material neatly and organized. > > After that, whenever this question comes up we will refer to > that Wiki page, and such a reference can be added to other > documents as well, possibly. > EmacsWiki Full Screen, section Configuring fullscreen mode - https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FullScreen#h5o-2 Probably the simplest way to configure fullscreen or maximized mode is to customize |initial-frame-alist| (custom-set-variables '(initial-frame-alist (quote ((fullscreen . maximized))))) ----------------Text that I added ----------------------8<---------------------         To avoid the slightly distracting visual effect of Emacs starting with its default frame size and then growing to fullscreen, you can add an the above lines to .emacs.d/early-init.el instead of .emacs (thanks Chad). This has been successfully tested in GNU/Linux (both X11, and Wayland), and Windows. -----------------End text that I added ----------------------8<----------------------------- I also added a new section for the devilspie2 solution:     External program: devilspie2 - https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FullScreen#h5o-25