On 14 Jun 2022, Manuel Giraud wrote: >I hope it is not to late for this but I'd like to have this >modification >pushed. This changes the field name from 'last-modified to >'modified >(the symbol for `bookmark-sort-flag' is kept to 'last-modified). > >I think it make more sense since the "last" in 'last-modified >refers to >the order (ie. the most recently modified will be first). >Afterward, >I'd like to introduce a 'created field too. Manuel, it looks like this change hasn't been pushed yet. I was about to review it, but I noticed there was some commentary in the thread following up to your post. Did you have a revised version of the patch in response to any of the commentary, or should I just review the original patch as you posted it on 14 June 2022? I'll attach the patch below for convenience. Best regards, -Karl