Sorry, let me re-format my message: Hello! As an ex-user of rjsx-mode a current user of js-mode on Emacs 27.x I missed the contextual behavior of the < key where it would insert an empty tag () when attempting to write JSX code and inserting a plain < character when you don't. The code was originally written by Felipe (@felipeochoa on Github) and what I did was essentially a copy and paste with added test cases: repository: This thing still misses another function for expanding a balanced tag when the user deletes the / character of a self-closing tag, I don't think that code is trivial and maybe I wouldn't be able to extract it from rjsx-mode as with the extracted code. I was wondering: - doing this copy and pasting in regards to js-jsx-electric-lt is somewhat a violation of Felipe copyright? - is this extraction missing something? - If the author of rjsx-mode is here, would you donate parts of your code to js.el so people can have a better experience when dealing with JSX? Whatever comes out of this experiment would be a contribution into Emacs and js.el itself