> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > Yes, that is right. > Referring to any external elements from HTML in an email > exposes the user to various forms of mistreatment. > Security in an MUA includes protecting the user from all that. > It's often not "people". Many companies systematically use this > security hole to track users. I am very glad that nobody can > tell whether I have read a message -- because I do it in Emacs. A word of warning should be added. There are configuration in emacs, for which such a tracking is successful. For example using gnus the setting (setq gnus-blocked-images nil) Explanation. I was not aware of this sort of tracking software and found out that google's chrome browser has dozen of extension for email tracking, some of them commercial. I downloaded and tried all of them, (well the ones which did not require a payment). I then sent message to my own account (my university switched to a google account which I access via imap). Indeed with the above setting one extension successfully discovered that I read an email with gnus/emacs.