> Thanks! > Hm, I see, what is the difference then to annotate? Ok, I tested it again, starting from scratch, I can confirm that it works, but it displays also the diff as in ,---- | changeset: 1:bc59feefdcfb | user: Uwe Brauer | date: Sun Oct 16 17:38:59 2022 +0200 | summary: second commit subsection | | diff --git a/new.org b/new.org | --- a/new.org | +++ b/new.org | @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ | * Introduction | | A bit of more stuff | + | +** New subsection | + | +We add a new subsection | + | | changeset: 0:1302ad3dd1fd | user: Uwe Brauer | date: Sun Oct 16 17:38:38 2022 +0200 | summary: First commit section | | diff --git a/new.org b/new.org | new file mode 100755 | --- /dev/null | +++ b/new.org | @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ | +* Introduction | + | +A bit of more stuff `---- so the hg command line command would be hg log --follow --patch -L new.org,1:9 While sometimes a hg log --follow -L new.org,1:9 Might be more appropriate. Any change to disable optionally the --patch option?