Po Lu writes: > Neither approach is easy or exceptionally challenging, so interested > individuals are invited to chose whichever they should find more to > their liking. Hi Po, I have written a patch for this for the pgtk backend and went with the first route - supporting an alpha channel in face colors. I figured it's nicer since we get alpha channels for all other text decorations as well. The way it works is that when painting a background color (one which respects alpha-background), we instead compose it with the frame background color via a re-implementation of CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER. I didn't find a way to do this with cairo itself without painting the surface inbetween. I also made sure that this patch integrates with alpha-background, which is also my primary use case - fully hiding faces which don't respect alpha-background. The only syntax supported for transparency is gtk_parse_rgba's `rgba(255,255,255,1.0)`. Maybe we would want support for `#ff00ff00` too? One interesting quirk is that when changing the opacity of the `default` face to less than 1, the whole background is fully transparent again. I am not sure whether this is a fault in my code or because of some extra logic regarding the `default` face. Attached are a screenshot and the patch. I'd very much appreciate feedback. If necessary I could also try to implement this for X and/or terminals, however I don't have access to other platforms. Best Nate