I'm playing around with adding atomic window support to Gnus, so that help/completion/other-pop-up buffers don't end up squished between the *Summary* and *Article* windows, but instead shift the whole window composition over temporarily. All of Gnus' window configuration goes through one function, `gnus-configure-windows', so it's relatively easy to target. The patch below seems to do the trick. My question is about quitting/removing atomic window compositions. Gnus switches through many different compositions, so it's necessary to be able to quit atomic windows. As you can see in the diff, I've had to manually, and recursively, remove the 'window-atom parameter before reconfiguring windows. Is that the way it's supposed to work? I guess I would have thought there would be an easier way of getting rid of an atomic configuration -- like `quit-window' in any of the windows would quit all of them, or something like that. Instead, `quit-window' seems to just signal an error. Is this how it's supposed to work? Should I be doing this differently?