Emacs uses something more than just a terminfo database to determine the capabilities of a terminal. For example, if I run Emacs in St, keys like C-, M- work. Then I modified the terminal name by changing the terminfo source file (st-256color -> est-256color). If I run Emacs with the new terminfo database, keys like C-, M- no longer work, although infocmp shows that both (st-256color and est-256color) terminfo databases contain identical capabilities. Now if I rename the terminal name to something like "st-..." (I used "st-foo-bar-baz"), those keys work again. But why? Who is the culprit here, Emacs or ncurses? -- Akib Azmain Turja Find me on Mastodon at @akib@hostux.social. This message is signed by me with my GnuPG key. Its fingerprint is: 7001 8CE5 819F 17A3 BBA6 66AF E74F 0EFA 922A E7F5