>>>>> "JW" == John Wiegley writes: JW> Maybe what you're offering is already possible, or can be JW> integrated directly with flyspell using a customization? Upon reviewing flyspell again, I realized that it is possible to integrate with it, which I think makes much more sense than having a package that stands entirely on its own. What I've done is modified auto-correct to make it more of an extension to ispell and flyspell, rather than its own interface. Corrections made through either of these packages will be added as automatic corrections. Further, I also added the ability to add support for handling corrections from any other package. I explain how to do this in the commentary. Summary of New Design: - Takes a correction from another package and stores it in an abbrev table - The abbrev table is only active in auto-correct-mode, to avoid cluttering the global abbrev table - The abbrev table is limited by auto-correct-predicate, which allows for better control - Integrates with Ispell and flyspell to add their corrections without having to use another correction interface - Can integrate with any other correction package