() Ulf Jasper () Mon, 09 Jun 2008 19:52:33 +0200 Probably it will be "nt". Since newsticker handles other feed formats, not just RSS, how about: feedread readfeed rd-feed feeddisp ("display") feedshow showfeed feedtick tickfeed showxmlf (show XML (as opposed to some more elegant sexp equivlant) feed) etc, etc. Personally, i prefer "showfeed", which can be shortened to "shfeed" and then suffixed: "shfeed-x" (XML), shfeed-s (sexp), shfeeddN (data acquisition -- think process monitoring -- format N), etc. If you stretch a bit, another (further) stopping point is "tree": "shtree". I would be pleased to use such a facility for examining gnugo.el runtime structures, for example. Presently, `pp'