On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 22:47:20 +0200 Leonidas Tsampros wrote: LT> Attached you can find a small patch to make ldap.el use auth-source if LT> passwd is not defined in the ldap-host-parameters-list. Cool! I made some changes to it, please let me know what you think: - must pass `auth-source' set to t in the SEARCH-PLIST to activate this functionality (I don't know if you agree) - search for 'port "ldap"' entries in the netrc file (should we default to no port?) - take the password and use it - take "binddn" or "user" tokens for `binddn' - take "base" tokens for `base' so the user can have a netrc line like this machine X user Y password Z base B port ldap I tried to document it to explain all this. If I'm going in the wrong direction, tell me. I don't know ldap.el so well. Ted