> OK, Can you submit a patch? Bonus points if you add your :texlab example. Here you go. This is my first Emacs patch and I hope it's fine like this as I'm not very experienced with this patch email workflow. Is it okay that I sent it in a reply as an attachment or should I have started a new thread for the patch? In the patch I mention that arrays can be represented as vector datatypes and extend the existing advanced configuration :pylsp example with an array option. Further, the patch also fixes the indentation for the example. Further, the patch introduces some changes to the punctuation before/after the configuration examples, because stylistically I think they should be considered part of the surrounding text. If you want I could make this a separate patch or you can revert those changes. I admit this is also personal preference, I have some personal opinions on that but they are not strong. Initially I didn't know how to find the proper xref reference to vectors in the elisp manual, but luckily with some grepping I found another place where that manual section was referenced and just copied that xref (this is also my first time writing texinfo). I didn't rebuild the documentation yet but hope it will be fine. The changes are also described in the commit message in the patch. Cheers, Michael