Hi, in the recent discussion on reserving a keymap for packages, I proposed extending package.el to support a sort of formal specification of what a user should or could customize. As there were some supportive comments, I attempted to improve on an earlier proof-of-concept[0], resulting in the attached patch. This introduces the following changes: - User option `package-query-suggestions', to enable or disable these suggestions. I have disabled this feature by default, because it might be annoying. It is probably better for template-configurations or a theme to enable it. - Variable pacakge-configuration-suggestions, that packages add their suggestions to. Here's an example how this could look like for avy: ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'pacakge-configuration-suggestions `(avy (key "Avy's entry-point are commands like avy-goto-char\ that have to be bound globally" ,(kbd "C-:") avy-goto-char))) Beside keys, one can currently also specify options and hook. It might be worth distinguishing between options and global minor-modes. - Function package-suggest-configuration, that generates the configuration. It is automatically called by package-install, but can also be invoked manually. There are a few things I am not satisfied with, such as that the default behaviour for package-suggest-configuration is to just append the generated configuration to `custom-file' or `user-init-file'. Part of my intention was to generate code that can easily be changed and adapted by the user (unlike custom-set-variables), so I don't analyse the files themselves. This might not look nice in some cases, but then again, these people are probably not the ones using this feature Another point is that package-suggest-configuration has an option such that the command will not change anything (PREVIEW, activated with a prefix argument). I was wondering if it would make sense to make this the default behaviour whenever the command is invoked interactively. [0] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/2021-02/msg00305.html Interested in your comments, Philip K.