Please consider the suggestion below What facility? "macrostep: interactive macro-expander macrostep is an Emacs minor mode for interactively stepping through the expansion of macros in Emacs Lisp source code. It lets you see exactly what happens at each step of the expansion process by pretty-printing the expanded forms inline in the source buffer, which is temporarily read-only while macro expansions are visible. " Where? Current repo: This is currently maintained by Jonas in based on a fork of Jon Oddie's repo (original author hasn't responded in a while) at This is packaged via MELPA. Who? Jonas has forked and enhanced the code with contributions from Stefan K and Stefan M in the last 2y License? License is GPLv3 Next steps? I understand Jonas is supportive of a move to e.g. (eg elpa.git) Latest package main file attached for convenience in code review