,---- | | Not a problem. With the latest emacs-unicode-2 (27th Sept 2004) built | on W2K using MSVC 6.0, I get the following o/p: | (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" emacs-build-time) | => "2004-09-27" | | Looks ok to me... Let me know if you want me to do some other tests. | I have both MinGW32 and MSVC build environments. What would you | (developers) suggest I test. I can test on either one frequently and | both more in-frequently. `---- Thank you very much for your help. At least I know this problem does not exist with latest CVS code. As for MinGW build with image support, it's very easy in fact. I have built it with full image support (jpg, tiff, gif, xpm, png). I have written a tutorial for MinGW. Unfortunately it's in Chinese. If you think it's useful, I can find some time to translate it into English. CG -- 古之存身者,不以辩饰知,不以知穷天下,不以知穷德,危然处其所而反其性,己又何为哉! 道固不小行,德固不小识。小识伤德,小行伤道。故曰:正己而已矣。 -- 庄子 缮性