Peter Dyballa writes: > >> that both shared libraries are presented to the application, as > >> recorded in the Mac OS X crash dump. I want to avoid this > >> situation by statically linking one of them to avoid that the > >> application asks for one particular shared library – and gets > >> two presented. That's not what's happening. I don't understand the Mac OS X dylib architecture in any depth, but I'm pretty sure that an object can request an object from a specific location to be dynamically linked (similar to the -rpath flag in GNU ld). FWIW, my guess is that the reason you're seeing multiple instances of libraries is not that Mac OS X "presents" them, but because > /usr/X11R6/lib/libXft.2.dylib (compatibility version 2.1.0, current > version 2.1.0) is specifically requesting a different version from the one you get from /sw. Try running otool on /usr/X11R6/lib/libXft.2.dylib and see if the output corresponds to the unwanted versions. My experience with Fink is quite old by now (I switched to DarwinPorts three or four years ago), but it was quite sensitive to this kind of thing. In particular, you really really wanted to use Fink's version of X11 libraries rather than Apple's if you were going to build X11 applications yourself. Old, FWIW, YMMV (but you're clearly not getting very good mileage!)