() Stephen Berman () Mon, 29 May 2017 00:40:48 +0200 I wanted to include some tests with the fix for bug#27121 that I just committed to master (d76c007); however, git complained about trailing whitespace in two data files for the tests. This whitespace is part of the file format used by todo-mode.el, so I cannot delete it. I see that the .gitattributes file in the repository lists several test files for which whitespace warnings should be ignored; should I add the todo-mode test data files to the list? Or is there another or better way to tell git to ignore this whitespace and commit the files? I think it would be cool to restructure the process so that the eol ws-requiring data is generated at run-(test-)time from data that has no eol ws. This is more work, but: - It is explicit. - It avoids possible future lossage if the DVCS changes. - It avoids possible future lossage via PEBKAC or ignorance. (Just think, what if that fool ttn fubars this somehow!?) - If the work should happen to be algorithmic (it is, what a surprise! :-D), it could be generalized and re-used. - If it is written well, it could be documented and exported. So, i urge you to put in the effort here, slap your name on it, and bask in the glory of future Q/A chains terminating w/ a time-saving link to righteous code (and relax{ed,ing} docs). IOW, it is good to cope, better to create, best to invest. -- Thien-Thi Nguyen ----------------------------------------------- (defun responsep (query) (pcase (context query) (`(technical ,ml) (correctp ml)) ...)) 748E A0E8 1CB8 A748 9BFA --------------------------------------- 6CE4 6703 2224 4C80 7502