Hello everyone, I have a new package that I would like to contribute to the FSF via GNU ELPA. It is called "denote" and aims to be a simple tool for taking notes in a flat directory using a strict and efficient file-naming scheme. Denote provides the means to create links between notes and can produce a buffer with backlinks to the current one ("backlinks" are the links in other notes pointing to the present entry). Denote creates Org files by default, but there is an option to use plain text (.txt) or Markdown with either YAML or TOML notation for the file's front matter (the area at the top with the tile, date, tags). The webpage of the manual: . It is comprehensive and covers everything one needs. I have received patches from Damien Cassou (FSF-covered), Kaushal Modi (FSF-covered), and Jack Baty (small; below the threshold). What do you think? Can I install the attached patch in elpa.git? Do you want me to explain more about this package? Something else to consider? [ I will tag a release once the patch is installed. ] All the best, Protesilaos (or simply "Prot") -- Protesilaos Stavrou https://protesilaos.com