Jim Porter writes: > On 5/11/2023 9:01 PM, Adam Porter wrote: >> And by burdening the name with a responsibility it cannot bear, the >> name suffers, the package suffers, and ultimately, the user suffers. >> The "descriptive" name is not memorable; the user likely forgets what >> it's called a few weeks after installing and configuring it... > > Probably my favorite project name in existence is "pacman", Arch's > package manager. If I didn't know about it and you asked me to guess > what it did, I'm sure I'd say, "It lets you play Pac-man," but once I > know it's a package manager, the name makes perfect sense and I can > easily remember it. That name is descriptive, but unique enough to latch onto memory. And you can discover it if you remember "something about packages", so you type pac on the shell. > When I'm looking for a package on ELPA (or built into Emacs) to do > XYZ, I don't generally consult the name at all, and instead > read/search the description or the manual. About the only time I look > at the name is if I'm searching for a major mode of a programming > language, which is almost always "lang-mode". I fulltext-search the package listing. M-x package-list-packages C-s C-s (repeat) I don’t have time to read all the one-line descriptions. And I like having somewhat descriptive names. Try to remember how to open a PDF on the command-line. Gnome: evince — it took me months to remember that. KDE: kpdf. It once was. Now it’s okular. That’s still somewhat evocative of seeing something, so better than evince, but I preferred kpdf. And for kwrite it is obvious what it does. Same for gedit — I never forgot gedit, even though I use it rarely. If I’m not yet fully awake in the morning when I get up to make the lunchboxes for the kids, I can still remember gedit. I can also remember icecat, because that’s like firefox. And lftp still works. But audacity I have to search when I didn’t use it for a while. Same for clementine and even worse "whatever is the default image viewer" (no, I really don’t know; doesn’t help that the name is not in the program listing ...) — and don’t ask me to remember xdg-open or M-x browse-url-xdg-open — it always takes me several tries to remember the correct command, and that’s with ido-completion in the commands. Or worse: the advanced video-editor that’s not kdenlive. Though naming with something else than the most obvious description becomes important once there is more than one package for the same task. I often use amx to search for something: M-x org- And all in all there’s an old truth: naming is hard. While a fixed rule like "name not description not name" can help to avoid the trap of thinking that the name *must* be a description, I think it is too simplistic to steer the process of finding a good name. Best wishes, Arne -- Unpolitisch sein heißt politisch sein, ohne es zu merken. draketo.de