IMO, You'd better to distribute the source code and let users compile it by theirselves. Yuan Fu writes: > I wrote a dynamic module that exposes a simple interface for Xapian, the > indexing and searching engine. It could be very useful for indexing thousands of > files and search in them. I use this module for my note-searching package. > > Normally people distribute their elisp package with supporting dynamic modules > together, but in my case I want to distribute the dynamic module by itself, > because indexing and searching is much more general than note-searching. > > Is there any way to put a dynamic module on ELPA so that other packages could use it conveniently? > > Yuan -- Retrieve my PGP public key: gpg --recv-keys D47A9C8B2AE3905B563D9135BE42B352A9F6821F Zihao