Attached is the file 'elpa', containing the current emacs/admin/notes/elpa, plus a baseline policy for bundling GNU ELPA packages in the emacs tarball, and some unresolved issues. This is _not_ a final plan; it is a starting point for discussion. (I tried to post it in the savannah ada-mode download area, but trying to retrieve it gives me 404. And now I can't delete it. Sigh). The biggest open issue is whether the bundled packages live only in the elpa.git worktree, or if they are git submodules that are checked out into the emacs.git worktree. The baseline policy described in the attached file states that the bundled packages live only in the elpa git worktree. Eli has said he wants the bundled packages in the emacs worktree; I'd like to explore the specific rationale for that. For the specific example of ada-mode, I'm guessing nobody much noticed when its files were removed from emacs/lisp/progmodes. Other packages that are not used by many Emacs developers will be similarly not much missed. At the moment, ada-mode is the _only_ package we are proposing to bundle, as a test case. But we need to plan for the future. Currently, org and others are "duplicated" packages; they have files in emacs.git master/lisp/[PKGNAME]/* and in elpa.git externals/[PKGNAME]. At some point, they could become "bundled" packages. Consider what this would look like for org under the baseline policy. The files in master/lisp/org/* are deleted, and "org elpa.git externals/org" is added to the list of bundled packages used by 'make dist' (I need to add explicit detail to that mechanism; Stefan Monnier mentioned this might already be written somewhere). Any Emacs developer that wants to continue using org has two choices; install it via M-x list-packages, or, if they want the development head, checkout ELPA, run 'make packages/org', and either install it from there or add elpa/packages/org to their load-path. This is exactly what Emacs and ELPA developers do now for non-bundled packages. The baseline policy describes a shell script `checkout-bundled-elpa' and an emacs command `add-bundled-elpa-packages' (for ~/.emacs) to simplify using all bundled packages. Now consider what bundling org looks like if we use some variant of the "git submodules" policy. (for an introduction to git submodules, see The files in master/lisp/org/* are deleted, and "org elpa.git externals/org" is added to the emacs/master/.gitmodules file (via 'git submodule add ...'). 'make dist' includes emacs/master/elpa, so nothing in 'make dist' is changed for 'org'. In addition, Emacs developers who want the bundled ELPA packages would run 'git submodule update --init'; this would checkout all the bundled ELPA packages, into emacs/master/elpa/[PKGNAME]. Emacs startup code would put these in the default load-path. A fresh checkout of Emacs with the bundled submodules would be done by 'git clone .../emacs.git --recurse-submodules'. Ideally, the savannah page describing how to get Emacs from git would say that. but many people will forget the --recurse-submodules. In both cases, the bundled packages are in load-path. Finding them via C-x C-f (find-file) is slightly different; in the baseline case it requires navigating to /elpa/packages/... for bundled packages. In the submodules case is requires navigating to /emacs/master/elpa/... Both are different from the current /emacs/master/lisp/..., so in either case you have to remember which packages are bundled, and that can change over time. I suggest we standardize on an emacs elisp project that allows using C-x p f (project-find-file) to complete on files in load-path for elisp files; that removes the issue of remembering where things are. Another difference is testing for a release; that should always be done with the identified release version of bundled packages. That is easier to accomplish via git submodules, since they can identify a specific version (I think?), or a specific release branch. Otherwise people doing release testing would have to use `checkout-bundled-elpa' to get the correct versions in elpa. There will probably be a similar number of posts to emacs.devel about "where is org?"; the answer is either "cd elpa; make packages/org" or "git submodule update --init". Comments? -- -- Stephe