Richard Stallman writes: > I am interested in understanding what that means. Could you describe > in 10-20 lines what it means? What is the input, what is the output, > and what software does the conversion? Just create a small example to help you understand how Rust interact with C. link here: jieba-rs is a Chinese segmentation crate(crate means library). CJK languages usually don't use space to separate words so somebody create a library to do it. Please see jieba_rustlib/Cargo.toml, we have `crate-type = ["cdylib"]` in lib section, so cargo(the builder of Rust code, like make) will ask (rustc)rust compiler to generate C dynamic libraries. I write a simple interface in jieba_rustlib/src/ See the function with `unsafe extern "C"` and `#[no_magle]` mark, it's marked for FFI to C. There're several ways to expose Rust API to C. Some simple types(int, uint) will have corresponding mappings. For complex type like struct, we can use #[repr(C)], make the struct layout compatible with C, so C can access struct directly. Or just use pointer, let C treat Rust struct as opaque object and use exported function to use it. I use both in this example, for Jieba struct(introduced by jieba-rs crate), I use pointer, for hand-craft compat layer of Rust dynamic array and C arrays, I use C-compatiable struct to expose extra information(length and capacity) of array to C. And we use cbindgen( to generate C header, and result in jieba_rustlib/jieba_rustlib.h. Finally we have dynamic library and header, we just include header in c source(see main.c) and link with library to craft our application. I use Makefile to automate these steps. ``` chino@asus-laptop:/archive/gitrepos/jieba-rs-c-binding-example$ LANG=en_US.utf8 make make -C jieba_rustlib make[1]: Entering directory '/archive/gitrepos/jieba-rs-c-binding-example/jieba_rustlib' cargo build --release Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.01s cp target/release/ ./ make[1]: Leaving directory '/archive/gitrepos/jieba-rs-c-binding-example/jieba_rustlib' gcc main.c -Ijieba_rustlib -Ljieba_rustlib -Wl,-rpath=jieba_rustlib -ljieba_rustlib -o main chino@asus-laptop:/archive/gitrepos/jieba-rs-c-binding-example$ ./main 我 可以 吞下 玻璃 而 不伤 身体 ``` > From what I hear, Rust has a fundamental practical flaw: it is not > intended to be stable. The developers want to keep changing it. I think Rust will keep evolving. But not aggressively. The latest Rust stable version is 1.48. When a software/library released it's 1.0 version, usually means it's production ready. Cargo(package manager and build system for Rust) have lock. Users can lock their crates to ensure a reproducible build. And Rust also introduce "Edition" for breaking changes( It's stable if user stick to a specific edition. Any updates in same edition should not break your code failed to compile/failed to run(if so, it's probably a compiler bug). -- Retrieve my PGP public key: gpg --recv-keys D47A9C8B2AE3905B563D9135BE42B352A9F6821F Zihao