Right now in my hard disk I have two copies of statically linked Emacs. ~/emacs-27/bin/emacs.exe ~/emacs-27/bin/emacs-27.0.90.exe (let me call it emacs-$version.exe) Each of them is 128Mb large and waste space. I understand the latter is only meant to be used when the version is required. runemacs.exe and tools actually seem to rely on emacs.exe, because if I delete emacs-$version.exe it still works fine. Same goes for earlier releases. I would suggest one of these options a) Remove emacs-$version.exe during installation. b) Same as a), but install a script emacs-$version.cmd containing just two lines @echo off %~dp0\emacs.exe %* c) Instead, remove emacs.exe and leave only emacs-$version.exe Make emacs.cmd a script @echo off %~dp0\emacs-$version.exe %* where $version is replaced with the current version. We also have to change runemacs.exe to look for emacs-$version.exe Option a) only invokes a change in Makefile.in. Option b) includes that change, plus the creation of the script. This is in a patch attached to this message. Option c) would be the most intrusive. I personally do not like it because it binds a general utility, runemacs.exe, to a particular version. After the patch: juanj@DESKTOP-3A8AAJ0 MINGW64 ~/emacs-build/build/juanjo $ du -smc ~/emacs-27/* 135 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/bin 1 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/include 1 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/lib 17 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/libexec 98 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/share 249 total Before the patch: juanj@DESKTOP-3A8AAJ0 MINGW64 ~/emacs-build/build/juanjo $ du -smc ~/emacs-27/* 252 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/bin 1 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/include 1 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/lib 17 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/libexec 98 /c/Users/juanj/emacs-27/share 366 total A 32% reduction in size. -- Juan José García Ripoll http://juanjose.garciaripoll.com http://quinfog.hbar.es