On 4/22/19 12:45 AM, Eli Zaretskii wrote: > > You have consistently removed the references to -gdwarf-N compiler > option, presumably on the assumption that GCC nowadays automatically > uses the highest supported version? No, I was merely assuming that -gdwarf-4 is good enough to debug Emacs; -gdwarf-5 is still marked as "experimental" in GCC 8's doc, and I haven't used -gdwarf-5. If there's a significant advantage to using -gdwarf-5 then discussion of it should be added to etc/DEBUG. In the meantime I tried to improve the wording about this, in the attached patch. > I think this section could greatly benefit from a short explanation > what "undefined behavior" means, or a couple of examples of it. It's hard to be brief as -fsanitize=undefined is a bit tricky, but I took a shot at it by installing the attached.