I have a few issues using cvs emacs on Mac OS X 10.5.4 under X11. I've compiled using --with-x-toolkit=gtk but I notice the problem even when I do not use gtk so I don't think that is the problem. I like the anti-aliased fonts and would prefer to use Monaco or Monospace. The issues: 1. Using Mocaco the font is not fixed width so it is basically unusable for programming. I noticed that if I change the DPI setting when starting up X11 the relative sizes of different characters change. On the plus side, issue 2 is not present for Monaco (i.e., bold fonts look good). 2. Using Monospace (presently my preferred font) I get fixed width characters but the bold and italic fonts are very pixelated (e.g., in the mode-line for the file name). I wonder if issue 3 is somehow related to this. 3. If I choose the "Set default font" option a (gnome style) dialog comes up to pick a new font, the font that is initially selected in this dialog is not always the font that I am using. If I am using "Monospace" then the next time the font dialog is open "Sans" will be initially selected (but if I then select "Sans" it will change the font). If I use "Monaco" or "Andale Mono" then the selection sticks. This seems very strange. Thanks, Bob