I'd like to offer the attached patch to emacs.  I have been using this for a while now and find it useful. The patch adds support for handling the GNU_NODE environment variable in emacsclient, and documentation of it. When TCP connections are used, any local filename sent to the server is absolutified and prefixed with the value of GNU_NODE, if set, before sending. The GNU_NODE_EXCLUDE environment variable is a PATH-style (colon-separated) list of directories to exclude from GNU_NODE processing, which is useful if your home directory is mounted at the same place locally and on the server. This feature is inspired by similar support in gnuclient from xemacs.  GNU_NODE_EXCLUDE is not present in gnuclient, to my knowledge.  I preserved the name GNU_NODE to maintain compatibility. The patch attempts to support GNU_NODE when built for windows, but I will confess to not having tested this on windows. Thanks, -Hugh Holbrook