Hi emacs-devel, As a follow-up to the recent discussion on docstring styles (see https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2016-05/msg00240.html), I just pushed the attached package to scratch/compact-docstrings (this is my first push to ELPA, so please excuse potential mistakes). This very simple package defines a `compact-docstrings-mode' mode mode. When activated, empty lines in docstrings and doc comments are displayed in a different font (currently defaulting to half-height). In practice, this shrinks white space in docstrings to save space, while still clearly separating consecutive paragraphs. The development of this package was suggested by Stefan; I've been using it for about a week now, and it works pretty well for me. The github page at https://github.com/cpitclaudel/compact-docstrings has a screenshot. Opinions and advice welcome! Cheers, Clément.