On 4/6/2010 12:00 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote: > Does it work to use backslashes instead of forward slashes? > No. Same result. > You are right, INSTALL_DIR with spaces will not work. But not because > of lack of quoting; because it is used in targets and prerequisites, > and GNU Make does not support targets and prerequisites with embedded > blanks. > > So you might as well forget about the triple quotes I suggested above, > it's not needed. > Triple quotes didnt work either, btw. So, here is the final version of the patch. Major changes: - Use $(ComSpec) etc. to execute batch file zipdist accordingly with cygwin shell and cmd.exe - Added info to prerequisites for dist target. When packaging a snapshot from the trunk this might be necessary, for the tarball it is not. If the info files exist, it will not do anything. Christoph