Lennart Borgman wrote:
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Rumney" <jasonr@gnu.org>

I don't think there is a function for popping them up in the system.
Many armchair critics are not aware of the distinction between
Microsoft's proprietary C++ GUI toolkit (MFC) and what is available
directly from the OS APIs, so we often get slated for not using feature
X, when reimplementing it using the OS APIs is non-trivial.

There is a window class (is that the term?) TOOLTIPS_CLASS which can be used
with CreateWindowEx. I am not an expert on this but there are examples in
That documentation is for the "Common Controls" API, which is a constantly changing API, the availability of which depends on which version of Windows you have installed, and which other software you have installed that might have installed later versions.

As such, I do not beleive that it fits the definition of "anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs", and certainly we cannot redistribute some version of it to guarantee minimum functionality above what was included in the original release of Windows NT.