NOTES ON THE EMACS BUG TRACKER -*- outline -*- The Emacs Bug Tracker can be found at * Quick-start guide This is 95% of all you will ever need to know. ** How do I report a bug? Use M-x report-emacs-bug, or send mail to If you want to Cc someone, use an "X-Debbugs-CC" header (or pseudo-header, see below) instead. ** How do I comment on a bug? Reply to a mail on the bug-gnu-emacs list in the normal way. Or send a mail to If the bug is old and closed, you may have to unarchive it first. Send a mail to with unarchive 123 on the first line of the body. ** How do I close a bug? Send a mail to In the body, explain why the bug is being closed. ** How do I set bug meta-data? By mailing commands to Place commands at the start of the message body, one per line. severity 123 serious|important|normal|minor|wishlist tags 123 moreinfo|unreproducible|wontfix|patch * More detailed information For a list of all bugs, see This is a static page, updated once a day. There is also a dynamic list, generated on request. This accepts various options, eg to see the most recent bugs: Or follow the links on the front page . ** How do I report a bug in Emacs now? The same way as you always did. Send mail to, or use M-x report-emacs-bug. The only differences are: i) Your report will be assigned a number and generate an automatic reply. ii) Optionally, you can set some database parameters when you first report a bug (see "Setting bug parameters" below). iii) If you want to CC: someone, use X-Debbugs-CC: (note this only applies to _new_ reports, not followups). Once your report is filed and assigned a number, it is sent out to the bug mailing list. In some cases, it may be appropriate to just file a bug, without sending out a copy. To do this, send mail to ** How do I reply to an existing bug report? Reply to, replacing 123 with the number of the bug you are interested in. NB this only sends mail to the bug-list, it does NOT send a CC to the original bug submitter. So you need to explicitly CC him/her (and anyone else you like). (This works the same way as all the Emacs mailing lists. We generally don't assume anyone who posts to a list is subscribed to it, so we cc everyone on replies.) (Many people think the submitter SHOULD be automatically subscribed to subsequent discussion, but this does not seem to be implemented. See See also ) Do NOT send a separate copy to the bug list address, since this may generate a new report. The only time to send mail to the bug list address is to create a new report. Gnus users can add the following to message-dont-reply-to-names; similarly with Rmail and rmail-dont-reply-to-names: "\\(emacs-pretest-bug\\|bug-gnu-emacs\\|bug-\\(e\\|gnu\\)macs\\)@gnu\\.org\\|\ \\(submit\\|control\\|owner\\)@debbugs\\.gnu\\.org" The "" entry is there because it appears in the "Resent-To" header. For a long time Rmail erroneously included such headers in replies. If you correspond with an Rmail user on a bug, these addresses may end up in the Cc. Mailing to them does nothing but create duplicates and errors. (It is possible, but unlikely, that you might want to have a dialog with the owner address, outside of normal bug reporting.) ** When reporting a new bug, to send a Cc to another address (e.g., do NOT just use a Cc: header. Instead, use "X-Debbugs-CC:". This ensures the Cc address will get a mail with the bug report number in. If you do not do this, each reply in the subsequent discussion might end up creating a new bug. This is annoying. (So annoying that a form of message-id tracking has been implemented to hopefully stop this happening, but it is still better to use X-Debbugs-CC.) Like any X-Debbugs- header, this one can also be specified in the pseudo-header (see below), if your mail client does not let you add "X-" headers. If a new report contains X-Debbugs-CC in the input, this is converted to a real Cc header in the output. (See Bug#1780,5384) It is also merged into the Resent-CC header (see below). ** How does Debbugs send out mails? The mails are sent out to the bug list by being resent. The From: header is unchanged. In new reports only (at present), the To: address is altered as follows. Any "bug-gnu-emacs", "emacs-pretest-bug", or "submit@debbugs" address is replaced by 123@debbugs in the mail that gets sent out. (This also applies to any Cc: header, though you should be using X-Debbugs-CC instead in new reports). The original header is stored as X-Debbugs-Original-To, if it was changed. Any X-Debbugs-CC is merged into the Cc. Mails arriving at the bug list have the following Resent-* headers: Resent-From: person who submitted the bug Resent-To: Resent-CC: maintainer email address, plus any X-Debbugs-CC: entries The "maintainer email address" is "" in most cases. ** To not get acknowledgment mail from the tracker, add an "X-Debbugs-No-Ack:" header (with any value). If you use Gnus, you can add an element to gnus-posting-styles to do this automatically, eg: ("gnu-emacs\\(-pretest\\)?-bug" ("X-Debbugs-No-Ack" "yes")) (adjust the regexp according to the name you use for the bug lists) ** To record a bug in the tracker without sending mail to the bug list. This can be useful to make a note of something discussed on emacs-devel that needs fixing. To: [headers end] Package: emacs Version: 23.0.60 Severity: minor Remember to fix FOO, as discussed on emacs-devel at http://... . ** Not interested in tracker control messages (tags being set, etc)? Discard mails matching: ^X-GNU-PR-Message: (transcript|closed) ** Not receiving messages in response to your control commands? The messages debbugs sends out in response to control-server commands always have headers To: your@email, and Cc: (the latter is an alias for the emacs-bug-tracker mailing list). These are also the addresses to which a copy of the response is sent. (In general, there need not be any relation between the To: and Cc: headers visible in a message and where debbugs actually sends it.) If you used an X-Debbugs-No-Ack header, however, a copy is _not_ sent to you, but the To: header is unchanged. If you are subscribed to the emacs-bug-tracker mailing list and have duplicate suppression turned on, the presence of your address in the To: header will cause Mailman to not send you a list copy, because it thinks you have received a direct copy. If you used X-Debbugs-No-Ack, this is not the case, and you won't get any copy at all. If this bothers you, don't use both X-Debbugs-No-Ack and Mailman duplicate suppression for the emacs-bug-tracker mailing list, just pick one or the other. ** How to avoid multiple copies of mails. If you reply to reports in the normal way, this should work fine. Basically, reply only to the numbered bug address (and any individual people's addresses). Do not send mail direct to bug-gnu-emacs or emacs-pretest-bug unless you are reporting a new bug. ** To close bug #123 (for example), send mail To: with a brief explanation in the body as to why the bug was closed. There is no need to cc the address without the "-done" part or the submitter; they get copies anyway so this will just result in more duplicate mail. ** Details of closing a bug. (For information only) Sending a mail to 123-done does the following: 1) Mark the bug as closed in the database. 2) Send a mail to the original submitter telling them that their bug has been closed. This mail has a header: X-GNU-PR-Message: they-closed 123 3) Send a mail to you and to the emacs-bug-tracker list confirming that the bug has been closed. This mail has a header: X-GNU-PR-Message: closed 123 4) Send a copy of your mail to the bug-gnu-emacs list in exactly the same way as if you had sent mail to "123" (sans -done). This mail has headers: X-GNU-PR-Message: cc-closed 123 Mail-Followup-To:, person-who-closed (This is Emacs-specific. Normally the bug list gets the same mail as in 3). ** Setting bug parameters. There are two ways to set the parameters of bugs in the database (tags, severity level, etc). When you report a new bug, you can provide a "pseudo-header" at the start of the report, eg: Package: emacs Version: 23.0.60 Severity: minor This can also include tags, or any X-Debbugs- setting. Some things (e.g. submitter) don't seem to work here. Otherwise, send mail to the control server, At the start of the message body, supply the desired commands, one per line: command bug-number [arguments] ... quit|stop|thank|thanks|thankyou|thank you The control server ignores anything after the last line above. So you can place control commands at the beginning of a reply to a bug report, and Bcc: the control server (note the commands have no effect if you just send them to the bug-report number). Bcc: is better than Cc: in case people use Reply-to-All in response. Some useful control commands: *** To reopen a closed bug: reopen 123 *** Bugs can be tagged in various ways (eg wontfix, patch, etc). The available tags are: patch wontfix moreinfo unreproducible fixed notabug See The list of tags can be prefixed with +, - or =, meaning to add (the default), remove, or reset the tags. E.g.: tags 123 + wontfix ** URL shortcuts 123 # given bug number 123;mbox=yes # mbox version of given bug package # bugs in given package from:submitter@email.address severity:severity # all bugs of given severity tag:tag # all bugs with given tag ** Usertags See "Usertags" are very similar to tags: a set of labels that can be added to a bug. There are two differences between normal tags and user tags: 1) Anyone can define any valid usertag they like. In contrast, only a limited, predefined set of normal tags are available (see above). 2) A usertag is associated with a specific user. This is normally an email address (with an "@" sign and least 4 characters after the "@"), but on, the definition is less strict - anything with 5 or more alphanumeric characters will work. For personal tags, using an email address is still recommended. Please only use the "emacs" user, or other short users, for "official" tags. You set usertags in the same way as tags, by talking to the control server. One difference is that you can also specify the associated user. If you don't explicitly specify a user, then it will use the email address from which you send the control message. *** Setting usertags a) In a control message: user emacs # or usertags 1234 any-tag-you-like This will add a usertag "any-tag-you-like" to bug 1234. The tag will be associated with the user "emacs". If you omit the first line, the tag will be associated with your email address. The syntax of the usertags command is the same as that of tags (eg wrt the optional [=+-] argument). b) In an initial submission, in the pseudo-header: User: emacs Usertags: a-new-tag Again, the "User" is optional. *** Searching by usertags The search interface is not as advanced as for normal tags. You need to construct the relevant url yourself rather than just typing in a search box. The only piece you really need to add is the "users" portion, the rest has the same syntax as normal. **** To browse bugs by usertag: **** To find all bugs usertagged by a given email address: (Supposedly, the "users" field can be a comma-separated list of more than one email address, but it does not seem to work for me.) **** To find bugs tagged with a specific usertag: This works just like a normal tags search, but with the addition of a "users" field. Eg:;tag=calendar *** To merge bugs: Eg when bad replies create a bunch of new bugs for the same report. Bugs must all be in the same state (e.g. same package(s) and severity -- see 'reassign' and 'severity' below), but need not have the same tags (tags are merged). E.g.: merge 123 124 125 ... Note that merging does not affect titles. In particular, a "retitle" of merged bugs only affects individual bugs, not all of them. *** Forcing a merge: Like 'merge', but bugs need not be in the same state. The packages must still match though (see 'reassign' below). The first one listed is the master. E.g.: forcemerge 123 124 125 ... Note: you cannot merge with an archived bug - you must unarchive it first. *** To unmerge bugs: To disconnect a bug from all bugs it is merged with: unmerge 123 This command accepts only one bug number. *** To clone bugs: Useful when one report refers to more than one bug. clone 123 -1 [-2 ...] retitle -1 second bug retitle -2 third bug The negative numbers provide a way to refer to the cloned bugs (which will be assigned proper numbers). NB you cannot clone a merged bug. You'd think that trying to do so would just give you an unmerged copy of the specified bug number, but no: You must unmerge, clone, then re-merge. *** To set severity: severity 123 critical|grave|serious|important|normal|minor|wishlist See for the meanings. *** To set the owner of a bug: owner 123 A Hacker The shorthand '!' means your own address. *** To remove the owner of a bug: noowner 123 *** To mark a bug as fixed in a particular version: fixed 123 23.0.60 *** To remove a "fixed" mark: notfixed 123 23.0.60 *** To make a bug as present in a particular version: found 123 23.2 NB if there is no specified "fixed" version, or if there is one and it is earlier than the found version, this reopens a closed bug. The leading "23.1;" that M-x report-emacs-bug adds to bug subjects automatically sets a found version (if none is explicitly specified). *** To assign or reassign a bug to a package or list of packages: reassign 1234 emacs Note that reassigning clears the list of found versions, even if the new packages includes the original one. ** To remove spam from the tracker, move it to the 'spam' pseudo-package: reassign 123 spam (Should not be necessary any more, now that the input is moderated.) ** To change the title of a bug: retitle 123 Some New Title ** To change the submitter address: submitter 123 Note that it does not seem to work to specify "Submitter:" in the pseudo-header when first reporting a bug. ** How does archiving work? You can still send mail to a bug after it is closed. After 28 days with no activity, the bug is archived, at which point no more changes can be made. If you try to send mail to the bug after that (or merge with it), it will be rejected. To make any changes, you must unarchive it first: unarchive 123 The bug will be re-archived after the next 28 day period of no activity. ** The web-page with the list of bugs is slow to load It's a function of the number of displayed bugs. You can speed things up by only looking at the newest 100 bugs:;package=emacs Or use the static index: ** What are those "mbox folder" links on the bug report pages? "mbox folder" = messages as they arrived at the tracker "status mbox" = as above, but with a fake message at the start summarizing the bug status "maintainer mbox" = messages as sent out from the tracker to the maintainers (ie, bug-gnu-emacs). These have some changed headers (Resent-*, Subject, etc). ** What do the pkgreport.cgi sort options mean? "normal" = by open/closed status, then severity, then tag, then bug number "oldview" = as above, but without the tag part "age" = as normal, but sort in decreasing order of last modification time, rather than by increasing bug number "raw" = ? ** Change log issues *** When you fix a bug, it can be helpful to put the bug number in the change log entry, for example: * lisp/menu-bar.el (menu-set-font): Doc fix. (Bug#21303) Then the relevant bug can be found for easy reference. If it's an obvious fix (e.g., a typo), there's no need to clutter the log with the bug number. Similarly, when you close a bug, it can be helpful to include the relevant change log entry in the message to the bug tracker, so people can see exactly what the fix was. *** bug-reference-mode Activate 'bug-reference-mode' in ChangeLogs to get clickable links to the bug web-pages. *** Debian stuff ** Gnus-specific voodoo *** Put point on a bug-number and try: M-x gnus-read-ephemeral-emacs-bug-group *** If the above is not available: (add-hook 'gnus-article-mode-hook (lambda () (setq bug-reference-url-format "") (bug-reference-mode 1))) and you can click on the bug number in the subject header. * Technical Notes The following are technical notes on how it works. These are just for reference, you don't need to read these as a user of the system. Getting mail from the Emacs bug list into the tracker requires the assistance of sysadmin at The test tracker set-up was, I think, [ #359140]: ** The setup was handled in [ #510605]. There are two pieces (replace AT with @ in the following): i) fencepost has an /etc/aliases entry: emacs-pretest-bug: submit AT ii) An exim router: emacsbugs_router: driver = redirect senders = !Debian-debbugs AT local_parts = bug-gnu-emacs domains = data = submit AT This says, for mail arriving at bug-gnu-emacs, only allow it through to the list if it was sent from Otherwise, send it to the submit address at the bug-tracker. FIXME There's probably an issue with the mail-news gateway here that still needs to be addressed (bug#936). ** fencepost's /etc/exim4/local_domains configuration needs a line ! adding [ #503532]. Otherwise people on fencepost can't report bugs, since * addresses are assumed to be handled locally on fencepost, unless otherwise specified. ** All mail arriving at is first run through SpamAssassin. Obvious spam is rejected, the rest is sent on to the moderated list debbugs-submit. Approved mail is passed on to the tracker. (Note this means that messages may appear out of sequence in the tracker, since mail from whitelisted senders goes straight through.) NOTE: An alternative to this would be to use listhelper AT as a moderator address. Eg the emacs-bug-tracker list uses this. It does basic spam processing on the moderator requests and automatically rejects the obviously bogus ones. Someone still has to accept the good ones though. The advantage of this would not be having to run and tune our own spam filter. See An "X-Debbugs-Envelope-To" header is used to keep track of where the mail was actually bound for: ** Mailing list recipient/sender filters. The following mailman filters are useful to stop messages being needlessly held for moderation: *** debbugs-submit (quiet|control|submit)@(debbugs\.gnu\.org|emacsbugs\.donarmstrong\.com) [0-9]+(-done|-quiet|-subscribe)?@(debbugs\.gnu\.org|emacsbugs\.donarmstrong\.com) (bug-gnu-emacs|emacs-pretest-bug|bug-(e|gnu)macs)@gnu\.org bug-emacs and bug-gnumacs are lesser-used aliases from fencepost's /etc/aliases file. *** emacs-bug-tracker sender: bug-gnu-emacs AT recipient: emacs-bug-tracker AT debbugs\.gnu\.org The latter is because that is the address that debbugs actually sends to. An /etc/aliases entry redirects it to the real emacs-bug-tracker address. ** Recovering from moderation mistakes All discarded messages are stored in /var/lib/mailman/spam. If a non-spam message accidentally gets discarded, just do: /usr/lib/debbugs/receive < /var/lib/mailman/spam/not-really-spam.msg chown Debian-debbugs:Debian-debbugs /var/lib/debbugs/spool/incoming/* ... check it works ... mv /var/lib/mailman/spam/not-really-spam.msg /var/lib/mailman/not-spam/ Also check that the sender was not added to the auto-discard/reject list in the debbugs-submit Mailman interface. If you don't have the actual mail, just the mailman moderation mail version of it, you need to extract the original mail, and add the following headers: 1) The leading envelope From line. 2) Message-ID (get it from /var/log/mailman/vette). 3) X-Debbugs-Envelope-To: xxx For a new report, xxx = submit; for a control message, xxx = control; for a reply to bug#123, xxx = 123 Then pipe it to receive as above. ** Administrivia The debbugs-submit list should have the administrivia option off, else it can by mistake filter out requests to subscribe to bugs. But, this feature doesn't work anyway (see bug#5439). ** How to test changes Add an entry to /etc/debbugs/Maintainers like: mytest Then if you do all your testing with 'Package: mytest', the resulting mails should only go to your email address. ** Adding new tags Add them to @gTags in /etc/debbugs/config. I think you also have to add them to 'tags' and 'tags_single_letter' in /usr/share/perl5/Debbugs/ And update /var/www/Developer.html with a description of what the tag means. And the "valid tags" list in /var/www/index.html. ** Backups The FSF sysadmins handle multi-generational backups of the filesystem on But if you really want to have your own backup of the bug database, you can use rsync (this requires login access to rsync -azvv -e ssh DEST Note that this occupies well over 1G of disk space.